Saturday, September 26, 2015

Introduction - Health of Child

Health of Child

Healthof Child : Children's health, or pediatrics, concentrates on the well-being of children from conception through youth. It is crucially concerned with all parts of children's development and growth and with the unique opportunity that every child has to achieve their maximum potential as a healthy adult.

Children's health was at one time a part of adult medicine. It developed in the nineteenth and mid twentieth century as a medical specialty because of the gradual awareness that the health issues of children are different from those of adults. It was likewise recognized that a child's reaction to disease, medications, and the environment depends upon the age of the kid.

There are numerous aspects to children's health. Any organization of these aspects of child health is necessarily arbitrary. For instance, the topics could be presented in sequential order. However, it seems most logical to begin toward the starting -- with the elements that focus a child's healthy development and growth.

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