Friday, March 18, 2011

Juicy Health Tips Health Tips For Girls

Sometimes there is so much information about what you should eat, how you should exercise, which one of the top health clubs you should join, even picking the perfect perfume for your mood. But if there is one thing we can easily do is juicing, here is a guide to the benefits plus when to get the maximum effect from all those health benefits of fruit and vegetables before and after a workout at the gym.

After you have had a work out, you need to think about how you are going to refuel your body and how you are going to repair muscles. You could just have a sports drink to replenish your body stores, but diluted fruit juice is just as good. You do need to have something, as when women exercise hormone levels can drop which can affect bone health. You could try a banana smoothy, this will satisfy hunger and also they are easily digestible, so they won�t sit heavily on your stomach.

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