Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Main Causes Of Heart Attack

Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of human deaths worldwide. According to World Health Organization, an estimated twelve million deaths each year is caused by heart problems which is responsible for half of all deaths in the United States.

Because of an alarming volume of heart disease cases. Researchers have found certain factors that play a significant role in a person's chances of developing a heart disease. It's risk factors.

Below are the major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases.

High Blood pressure. Also known as hypertension, will increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Hypertension varies from the person's activity and age. Those whosmokeobese and has high bad cholesterol along with high blood pressure, your risk of stroke and heart attack greatly increases.

heart attackHigh Blood cholesterol.Cholesterol is a fat-like substance carried in your blood, is found all over body's cell structure. Our liver is the producer of all cholesterol in our body which needs to form cell membranes and to form some hormones. Extra unnecessary cholesterol coming from animals like eggs, meats and diary products enters your body when you eat some of this foods. These foods does not constitute mainly for the increase of your blood cholesterol, the main culprit is the saturated fats found on these foods. Saturated fats can be found in butter fat in milk, cooking oils, fats from red meat and chicken skin. Too much consumption of this cholesterol can block the artery walls in our heart which increases the risk in heart attack.

Diabetes. Most death caused by diabetes had cardiovascular complications especially type II diabetes. If you know you already have diabetes, consult your doctor immediately to control your blood sugar because it helps decrease the risk of heart problems.
No Exercise. I am always saying this to all of my articles. An active person keeps himself away from serious diseases and this includes cardiovascular problems. Exercise burns calories, fats, keeps your sugar level at normal and reduces your bad cholesterol.
Heredity. Most heart disease cases are family related. If your family history like your father, had a cardiovascular problem before the age 50, chances are you are in greater risk of having the same sickness. High blood pressure and diabetes has the same trait.

Age. As we age, we are at risk to many diseases especially heart diseases. Our hearts muscles deteriorates when we age leaving the pulse rate below normal level. The hearts wall thickens, arteries became stiff and the heart does not have enough energy to pump blood to all over the body.

Other contributing factors are obesity, smoking, stress, too much alcohol intake, birth control pills and sex hormones. All this has a significant effect to the health of our heart. Be sure to be moderate on a lot of things we know that is bad for our heart.

We only have one heart and we must learn to love and care for it. We should not be abusive to a good lifestyle that is not health friendly.

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