Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spine Problems - Slipped Disc

Back problems can hit anyone at any age. Slipped Disc or commonly called as Ruptured Disc is one of the painful back problems that can occur in your life. What is slipped disc and what are its causes, symptoms and treatments? This article will give you a simple preview on the facts about slipped disc.

The spine contains a disc-like pads that works mainly as shock absorbers in any back activities we do which are located between the bones of the spine. Once any of this discs breaks or split, it can put high amounts of pressure on your spinal cord that causes severe back pain. It can also affect the surrounding tissue of the spine that can cause nerve control issues.

Lower back is the most high risk area that most cases of slipped disc occurs. Lower back receives most of the pressure from various activities like walking, running, lifting, jumping and many others. The weight of the upper body depends on your lower portion of the spine, this is the reason why you should take good care of your back bones while you are still young. Why because all of the spine's discs degenerates naturally when we age.

Various symptoms varies from areas of pain and numbness. You may feel pain in the neck and lower back. Most cases may show tingling and weakness in the shoulders to arms and hands. Numbness in the buttocks, legs and all the way down to the feet. One can also suffer from loss of bowel, coughing and pain with straining and any types of leg movements.

So what causes slipped disc? The main culprit is aging, where the disc's elasticity fades naturally along with its degeneration process. Improper weight training can also cause slipped disc such as weight lifting, twisting, turning and wrong stretching routines. Any types of improper lifting of any object can cause slipped disc.

Other causes are injuries caused by accidents, excessive exercises or any physical activities such as sports.

symptoms and treatments for slipped disc
Slipped disc can be difficult to identify if you tend to ignore its symptoms. Chronic back pain that is incorporated with other symptoms listed above which lasts for several days is an indicator that you should take medical examinations for your back. Consultation to a medical expert is needed immediately to impose proper treatment.

Once diagnosed, you will be required long time physical therapy and more rest at home. Simple home remedies like hot or cold compress and back massage can help reduce the pain and numbness in the lower back, shoulders and neck. Pain medicinal drugs can be used to relieve pain such as ibuprofen.

Proper stretching and light exercises can also help improve your back problems. For severe cases who also suffered from nerve damage, surgery is the only option. Although surgery can help correct the problem, the symptoms may re-occur and will definitely need long term care. Personal care and avoiding the causes can help prevent having this condition.

Remember that slipped disc can be avoided by proper training and knowledge. Consult your doctor immediately if you suffer one of the symptoms listed above. Caring for your spine, means caring for your over all health!

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