Friday, December 24, 2010

Healthy weight gain tips.

Use these healthy weight gain tips and tools to help gain weight:
  • Start with  Calorie count to find out how many calories you will need to reach the weight you desire.
  • Use a food diary to track your calorie intake to be sure you are getting all of the calories and foods that you need.
  • Eat healthy breakfast with an extra slice of whole-grain toast and peanut butter.
  • Mid-morning and afternoon food should be nutritious, not junk. Trail mixes contain healthy nuts, dried fruits and can add healthy calories to your diet.
  • Don't eat unhealthy fried foods. Choose healthy foods such as baked potatoes, baked chicken and fish, just make your portions a bit bigger.
  • Keep your meals balanced. One meal should have a healthy protein source such as fish, low fat meat, chicken or legumes plus two or three servings of vegetables. Green vegetables add lots of vitamins and phytonutrients while starchy potatoes and corn add extra calories.
  • Drink healthy food such as milk and fruit juices to add calories. Don't choose sugary sodas, which only add calories and no nutrition.

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