Friday, December 24, 2010

The Best Juices For Weight Loss 5 Homemade Recipes

Homemade weight loss recipes, wonderful tips for weight loss by diet control

Today is day 9 of the juice feast! I�m almost done! Today I wanted to share with you the numerous recipes I have enjoyed over the last 9 days. I hope they inspire you to make juicing a regular part of your daily routine! All of these recipes make approximately 1 quart (32oz) of juice, give or take based on produce


Pineapple, Cucumber, Mint Juice

This is one of my All-Time favorite juice recipes. It is soooooo good! It�s so refreshing, you simply MUST try it for yourself!
Pineapple, Cucumber, Mint Juic
1/2 ripe pineapple
2 cucumbers
1 bunch of mint
Run all ingredients through juicer (I recommend Breville) and enjoy!

The Greenbay

This juice was a surprise and total coincidence. I was watching the NFL Playoffs on Sunday and went to grab a juice. I had already made some fresh oj but wanted to add some greens. I had no idea that when juiced separately, the juice would maintain layers�and they just happened to be the team colors of the Greenbay Packers who were playing that very moment! I love the look! This would be really fun for kids or to serve to guests!

5 oranges (remember to peel oranges before juicing, otherwise juice will be bitter)

juice of 1/2 bunch parsley

Run oranges through juicer (I recommend Breville) and set aside. Separately juice parsley. Slowly pour parsley juice over OJ forming two layers.
Note: you will probably want to mix this juice before drinking, unless you enjoy the taste of straight parsley juice!!

Sweet Ruby

Green Machine

Oh Clementine!

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