Friday, October 9, 2015

How to Be a Healthy Teen Girl - Girls Health Tips

Girls Health Tips, Girls Health, Healthy Girl Body,

1:         Start off right with drinking more water:
Girls Health: Keeping your body hydrated with a few glasses of water a day will help direct purify and metabolism your body. A decent rule of thumb is to take your weight and divide in half to find out how much water you should be drinking every day. i.e. If your weigh 100 pounds, you need to drink half that weight in ounces (50 ounces) of water each day. This will likewise help you to urinate, which assists you lose weight and flush your digestive system of any foreign substances.

2:        Maintain a regular rest pattern:
 The average/normal teen needs at least eight hours of sleep a night. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep is a main factor contributing to how healthy you are. Getting enough sleep raises your sharpness during the day, and minimizes anxiety. Regulate a set bed time every night and attempt to stick to it.

3:        Eat breakfast each day:
Breakfast is the most essential meal, because it gives your body with its first fuel of the day. Good breakfast foods incorporate cream of wheat, eggs, milk, fruit, toast, or oatmeal. Starting with a good breakfast will likewise keep you focused during the day, and you will have fewer cravings.

4:        Avoid junk food:
This isn't restricted to simply the foods served at fast food restaurants, all foods with limited to no nutritional worth qualifies as junk food. Consider it littering your body; your body can't do anything productive with junk food - Healthy Girl Body. Stick to healthy foods that are high & good in protein, minerals and vitamins such as unsalted nuts, small salads and dried fruit. your body will be able to utilize these things much better than junk food. Try and avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates.

5:        Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods:
You can replace white bread with wheat bread. Think about swapping potato/crisps chips to crackers or nuts, and sweets for fruits/bananas berries/dried.

6:        Eat meals gradually, and quit eating when you are full:  
This is the most basic standard of good eating habits, yet numerous people feel they must finish what is on their plate. Hunger is your body's way of letting you know that it wants fuel. Satiety, or fullness, is your body's way of letting you know it does not want any more food. If you quit eating when you are full, you will get hungry each couple of hours, which is a good thing; this means your body is utilizing what you give it.

7:        Snack healthfully:
Eat a bit of fruit, some celery, a handful of nuts, or a bit of cheese. Anything healthy as a snack will help keep up your energy level throughout the day. Choosing anything low-sodium, low-sugar, or low-fat isn't always better than anything full-sodium, full-sugar, or full-fat. Seeds and nuts have a lot of healthy fats, the unsaturated fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are extremely healthy for teenage girls, and also assist to prevent blood sugar spikes.

8:        Exercise at least 3 to 5 times per week:
Every time you should be exercising enough to work up a sweat for not less than 20 to 30 minutes (preferably up to 60 minutes). But don't limit your physical activity to your work outs at the gym: by biking/walking more places you'll get more sunlight, which helps your state of mind, and you'll likewise get some less strenuous physical activity. Go for a run or a bike ride. If you don't like to exercise on your own, join a gym, find a mate to work out with,(dogs are good ones!) or join a game group. Keeping active will make you stronger mentally and physically. If you don't wish to work that hard, its suggested to walk at least five times a week and fast enough that if you sing you become a bit breathless.

9:        Stick to a hygiene regimen:
(Healthy Girl BodyWash your face in the morning and at night before you go to bed to keep your skin clean and healthy. Brush your teeth 2 to 3 times a day (after you wake, when your breath is bad, before bed) for a fresh and clean mouth. Remember not to brush your teeth too often (such as each time you eat a meal) as it can wear away your finish. Taking care of your appearance will likewise make you feel better about yourself, which truly is the most important thing. You should always wash your face after sometimes so that your face looks fresh.

10:      Keep great posture:
Don't slump during work or at class! Hold yourself straight. There are many activities that can help. If you have a laptop, work at a desk or with your back propped up.

11:       Make sure that you believe in yourself:  
This will assist self esteem and stick with whatever you put your mind to. Another incredible thought is to have somebody to motivate you or you can do it with a friend! Be certain. You may fail at times, but keep at it and you will get there! Have a great mindset and remember you are always beautiful in your own unique way. Attempt not to worry so much about what others think of you, because no one is perfect.

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