Friday, December 24, 2010

Quick Weight Loss Tips - Food Tips

When it comes to finding quick weight loss diet tips that work, selecting your foods for your diet can be a real balancing act. You have to lose some of what you�ve grown accustomed to and add some items that may be new to you. Here�s some quick weight loss tips that experts recommend to promote weight loss.
Quick Weight Loss Tips #1 - lose fat.
With regard to fat, the research is clear: Diets too high in fat promote overweight and obesity. You should strive to consume no more than 25 percent of your calories from fat - and that fat should the �non-saturated� type.

Quick Weight Loss Tips # 2 - Don�t eat too much sweet.
Numerous studies have linked table sugar to increased calorie consumption. While sugar doesn�t do as much dietary damage as fat, you�ll find that when you eat sweets, you simply want to eat more� of everything. Not only that, but sugar also makes your body excrete chromium, and chromium is a mineral that helps your body build calorie-burning lean tissue - so you want to keep your chromium levels up.
Quick Weight Loss Tips #3 - Drink lot of water.
�If people want to keep their nutrients in balance, they need to drink plenty of plain, unflavored water every day,� says Judy Dodd, R.D., past president of the American Dietetic Association. Water not only acts as a solvent for many vitamins and minerals but also is responsible for carrying nutrients into and wastes out of cells, so the body functions properly. As a rule of thumb, you should drink a half-ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily, unless you�re very active, in which case you should increase your water intake to two-thirds of an ounce per pound of body weight daily. So if you weigh 100 pounds, you should drink 50 ounces of water a day as a minimum
Quick Weight Loss Tips #4 - Eat fiber foods.
You can curb your hunger by increasing your intake of dietary fiber, which is filling, so you feel full but eat less. For these diet tips, experts recommend eating more fruits, vegetables and wholegrain cereals.
Quick Weight Loss Tips #5 - Get treatment for food allergies.
Some researchers believe that being overweight is the result of people craving foods that they are allergic to. For these people, weight loss is extremely difficult until they figure out what those trigger foods are and eliminate them from their diets
If you suspect that food allergies might be part of your problem, ask your doctor to help you identify the offending items. Your doctor may recommend that you see an allergy specialist.

Healthy Weight Loss

A good  rate of weight loss is around 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) a week. To achieve this, you need an energy deficit of 3,500kcal to 7,000kcal a week, which means eating 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day.
You can do this by replacing high-fat foods with those that are low in fat such as fruit, vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates and lower-fat dairy products, and by being more physically active.
It's also important to watch the size of your portions. This can be difficult, because over time you can lose touch with what's a sensible amount of food.

Meat, fish and alternatives

Meat, fish, eggs and alternatives, such as beans and lentils, provide protein, which is essential for growth and repair. These protein-rich foods, meat in particular, are also good sources of iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins.
Lean sources of protein can also help to curb your appetite. To help reduce the calories you get from fat, remove the skin from chicken, cut off obvious bits of fat from lamb, pork and beef, and use minimum oil for cooking.
Aim to eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines or trout.
You should have two portions of protein-rich foods every day. A portion is equivalent to:
  1. Meat and fish the size of a pack of playing cards
  2. Two eggs
  3. Four tablespoons of lentils or beans

Bread, cereals and potatoes

Starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, potatoes, rice and breakfast cereals, provide us with energy and other nutrients, including iron and B vitamins.
Starchy foods should make up about a third of your total daily energy intake.
Choose unrefined types that are higher in fibre. They'll make you feel full for longer and help to control hunger.
A balanced diet should contain about five portions of starchy foods each day. A portion is equivalent to:
  1. Three tablespoons of breakfast cereal
  2. One large slice of bread
  3. One chapatti
  4. Three heaped tablespoons of pasta
  5. Two egg-size potatoes
  6. Two heaped tablespoons of rice

Fruit and vegetables:

Fruit and vegetables provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and contain many other compounds associated with good health.
Everyone should aim to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in their diet.
Because fruit and vegetables are bulky and contain a lot of water, they can help to control your calorie intake. Aim for at least five portions a day.
A portion weighs about 80g and can include fresh, canned, frozen and dried fruit and vegetables. A portion is equivalent to:
  1. Two large tablespoons of vegetables, such as peas, carrots, swede or broccoli
  2. Whole fruits, such as one apple, one orange, one pear
  3. A handful of grapes
  4. Two tablespoons of strawberries or raspberries
  5. One small glass of fruit juice
  6. A handful of dried fruit

Milk and dairy foods

Foods such as cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are an important source of calcium as well as providing protein and vitamins. Choose low-fat or reduced-fat versions to reduce the amount of calories in your diet.
Aim for around three portions of dairy foods a day. A portion is equivalent to:
  1. A medium-size glass of milk
  2. A small pot of yoghurt
  3. A small matchbox-sized piece of cheese

    The Best Juices For Weight Loss 5 Homemade Recipes

    Homemade weight loss recipes, wonderful tips for weight loss by diet control

    Today is day 9 of the juice feast! I�m almost done! Today I wanted to share with you the numerous recipes I have enjoyed over the last 9 days. I hope they inspire you to make juicing a regular part of your daily routine! All of these recipes make approximately 1 quart (32oz) of juice, give or take based on produce


    Pineapple, Cucumber, Mint Juice

    This is one of my All-Time favorite juice recipes. It is soooooo good! It�s so refreshing, you simply MUST try it for yourself!
    Pineapple, Cucumber, Mint Juic
    1/2 ripe pineapple
    2 cucumbers
    1 bunch of mint
    Run all ingredients through juicer (I recommend Breville) and enjoy!

    The Greenbay

    This juice was a surprise and total coincidence. I was watching the NFL Playoffs on Sunday and went to grab a juice. I had already made some fresh oj but wanted to add some greens. I had no idea that when juiced separately, the juice would maintain layers�and they just happened to be the team colors of the Greenbay Packers who were playing that very moment! I love the look! This would be really fun for kids or to serve to guests!

    5 oranges (remember to peel oranges before juicing, otherwise juice will be bitter)

    juice of 1/2 bunch parsley

    Run oranges through juicer (I recommend Breville) and set aside. Separately juice parsley. Slowly pour parsley juice over OJ forming two layers.
    Note: you will probably want to mix this juice before drinking, unless you enjoy the taste of straight parsley juice!!

    Sweet Ruby

    Green Machine

    Oh Clementine!

      Quick Natural Weight Loss

      Tips for a Natural Weight Loss Diet:
      If you want a quick natural weight loss then you would have to start moving around more. You would have to get rid of the habit of spending all your free time sitting on bed or sofa. These are not the ideal places to be if you want to get rid of body fat naturally.
      You would also need to develop healthier eating habits. That does not mean starving yourself or eating very less, but you have to eat in a healthy manner. Eat less of sugar, salt, oil and eat high nutrition foods.
      Also consume five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Eat raw vegetables and fruits as much as possible. It is good for your health. A natural weight loss diet comprises of healthy, nutritious foods which are low in calories, fat, oil and sugar. But don't completely give up on fat as your body needs fat too. Just remember to eat it in moderate amounts.
      Do you know that skipping meals might not be the best idea because you are starving your body and later on you might at more due to excessive hunger. It is much better to eat a little bit when you feel hungry and not skip meals altogether.

      Quick Natural Weight Loss Remedies:
      Exercising should form a part of any healthy weight loss program. Fit some exercises in your schedule even if you are very busy. At least simple exercises which do not take much time like cycling, swimming, walking, running etc. should be part of your schedule in order to lose weight.
      The best diet and weight loss plans are those which are healthy and which you can stick to easily for a long time and not just for a few days or weeks. Also know that sticking to such a plan requires discipline, patience and motivation.
      List out the small and big benefits you get out of losing weight. Write them down on paper and try to make a list of at least 50-100 benefits you can enjoy when you are slim and healthy. This can provide you good motivation.

      The Best Weight Gain Tips

      Weight gain is something that isn't easy to do and you probably know this already. I know first hand because it is something I have to do every day. I am an ectomorph by genetics, which is the "skinny body type" and the one with the fast metabolism which makes gaining so hard for guys like me. The key to weight gain is to do everything BIG. You have to eat big, to lift big, to get big. Say that over and over again in your head until you fully understand it. A lot of people think weightlifting is the key to gaining weight, and I won't argue, it is an extremely important part. BUT, there is another thing that is just as important when it comes to how to gain weight, and that is your diet.

      So, to put it as simply as possible, there are 5 simple steps to how to gain weight, and here they are:
      Weight gain tips1)
      Count how many calories you eat in a normal day. Don't change anything, just eat like you normally would and count how many calories you consumed. This is an extremely important step, so try to be as exact as possible. Also, weigh yourself.
      Weight gain tips 2)
      Starting the day after you counted calories, eat 500 calories MORE then you normally do. So, lets pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day or eating all day all the time, spread those calories out over 5-6 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. To get big, you have to eat big! Remember that.
      Weight gain tips 3)
      Weightlifting! Get in the gym and lift! This is another important step to how to gain weight, so make sure you are doing it correctly. For more information on weightlifting workout routines and splits.
      Weight gain tips 4) At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You'll notice you're gaining just after one week! Now, don't expect to see a 10lb increase. Gaining anymore then 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthy and means you're putting on way to much fat. So look for 1 or 2 pound gains at the end of the week. Don't sound like much? You can be gaining 5-8 pounds a month!
      Weight gain tips 5)
      Heres an important one. At some point, you will stop seeing weight gain. At this point, you will have to eat even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, it means it is time to start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you haven't gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories

      Weight gain is something that isn�t easy to do

      Weight gain is something that isn�t easy to do. Hopefully these weight gain tips will help you to achieve your goals. One of the best weight gain tips to remember is DO EVERYTHING BIG! That means eat BIG and lift BIG to get BIG. Say that over and over again in your head until you fully understand it. Many people think weightlifting is the key to gaining weight. Of course weightlifting is an extremely important part. However to gain weight, think beyond weightlifting! Your diet is just as important when it comes to gaining weight.

      Weight Gain Tip No 1 � Get Counting
      Count your calories on a normal daily basis. That doesn�t mean you have to change your normal eating habits � just eat as you normally would and count the calories you have consumed. This is of crucial importance to try to be as accurate as possible. Then get on the scales and weigh yourself.

      Weight Gain Tip No 2 � eat BIG!
      Eating is first and foremost the most important thing you need for proper weight gain. It makes sense that you need to eat more calories than you burn. This does not mean eating anything and everything within reach! It means you need to include in your weight gain diet, foods that will help you gain lean mass, not bad fats. 6 meals a day is a good start. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three other small meals at regular intervals throughout the day. Make it your goal to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours. Remember the principal weight gain tip is to get BIG, you have to eat BIG!
      Steak, chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese and assorted types of nuts are the foods to feast on. Eat 4 � 6 pieces of fresh fruit a day, and at least four tall glasses of milk. Low fat milk is a great, cheap protein source � take advantage of it. A sample snack meal would be a glass of milk, an apple, and a hand full of peanuts.
      Plan your meals carefully and stick to the plan. What you eat is the most important ingredient in a successful weight gain program.
      Weight Gain Tip No 3 � weight Lifting!
      As stated above, proper eating is of utmost importance if you want to gain weight, but if you do not complement eating with weightlifting, all that gained weight will be fat � not muscle.
      When trying to gain weight, try working out 3-4 times a week. Make sure you are weightlifting correctly! Lift hard and then recover for the next workout. Focus on the big exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bent-over rows, chin-ups, bench press, & military press. These are the exercises that will turn those extra calories into muscle and therefore help you gain weight. You are not going to gain weight by doing lateral raises and step-ups every workout. It�s the multiple-joint lifts that will shock your system and stimulate your body into growth. Gradually add a little amount of weight each time you workout � this will help you strengthen those muscles. If you focus on strength, size will follow. You need to get stronger. Look around at your local gym � the strongest guys are also the biggest!
      Weight Gain Tip No 4 � Weight yourself!
      Weigh yourself at the end of a week. You�ll notice you�re gaining more weight after only one week! However, don�t expect miracles. You won�t have put on 10lb!. Remember that when it comes to weight gain, gaining anymore then 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthy and means you�re putting on fat instead of muscle. Patience is a virtue! What you want is to see 1 or 2 pound gains at the end of the week. It may not seem like a lot but add it up. You easily gain weight at the rate of 5-8 pounds a month!
      Sooner or later you will stop gaining weight and it is now that you should concentrate on eating even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you haven�t gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories.
      Weight Gain Tip No 5 � leave Bad Fat!
      Don�t eat any bad fats. Yes, you want to gain weight, however you don�t want to gain weight that is in fact just fat. So, cut out the chips and candy. No more visits to McDonalds and steer clear of anything fried. High protein low fat foods like tuna fish (and other seafood), chicken breast, turkey, lean meats, fruits and vegetables etc, are the good clean foods to eat.
      Weight Gain Tip No 6 � Drink more Water
      Drink around a half gallon of water a day and even more if you can. Sure, that�s a lot of water, but believe it or not, it�s that water you need for the energy you need to gain weight! Dehydration can lead to all sorts of health problems, including less stamina at the gym.
      Weight Gain Tip No 7 � Get lots of sleep!
      Get lots of sleep. This is one of the easiest yet most neglected weight gain tips. Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours night. You�re body needs it to function properly

      Healthy weight gain tips.

      Use these healthy weight gain tips and tools to help gain weight:
      • Start with  Calorie count to find out how many calories you will need to reach the weight you desire.
      • Use a food diary to track your calorie intake to be sure you are getting all of the calories and foods that you need.
      • Eat healthy breakfast with an extra slice of whole-grain toast and peanut butter.
      • Mid-morning and afternoon food should be nutritious, not junk. Trail mixes contain healthy nuts, dried fruits and can add healthy calories to your diet.
      • Don't eat unhealthy fried foods. Choose healthy foods such as baked potatoes, baked chicken and fish, just make your portions a bit bigger.
      • Keep your meals balanced. One meal should have a healthy protein source such as fish, low fat meat, chicken or legumes plus two or three servings of vegetables. Green vegetables add lots of vitamins and phytonutrients while starchy potatoes and corn add extra calories.
      • Drink healthy food such as milk and fruit juices to add calories. Don't choose sugary sodas, which only add calories and no nutrition.

      Red Beans Nutrition Facts in Urdu

      Red Beans Nutrition Facts in Urdu

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      Herbs Benefits in Urdu. information

      about herbs benefits in Urdu, people have been used herbs for million of years, information about most common herbs

      Best Weight Loss Tips Fast in a Healthy and Natural Way

      Best Weight loss Tips help and advice to you loose weight fast in a healthy and natural way 

      With all the diet pills and other weight loss programs on offer it can be tempting to think that there is no natural way to lose belly fat. This couldn�t be further from the truth. The only long term solution to toning up is through adopting a healthy eating and exercise program. Natural Way To Lose
      The trick to eating for weight loss isn�t really so tricky: It�s as simple as eating more colorful, good-for-you fruits and vegetables.

      Now we all know we�re supposed to eat fruits and veggies for their vitamins and minerals, their roughage, and powerful disease-fighting benefits. But apparently good nutrition just isn�t alluring enough for most of us. Only 20% of Americans eat as many as five pieces of fruits and veggies a day.

      So maybe it�s time we turn the tables and instead look at fruits and veggies as a delicious way to �cheat� on a healthy weight loss diet. From fire-engine red bell peppers, and buttery-yellow zucchini, to juicy grapes as purple as wine, �eating enough produce seems to be one of the key elements in weight loss and weight maintenance,� says Dave Grotto, RD, LDN, dietitian and author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life.

      So how does eating more food actually help you weigh less?

      The Secrets of Fruits and Vegetables

       The first secret of fruits and veggies is simple: they�re nutrient dense. This means that for their weight, most produce is low in calories; so you can eat a lot more when your diet is rich in veggies and fruits -- and still not consume a whole lot of calories. Just try that with chocolate!

      The second secret: Satiety. All produce, from a juicy pear to a crispy bunch of red lettuce is packed with water and fiber, says Seattle dietitian Kerry Neville, MS, RD, and both of these not only keep the calories down, they make you feel fuller longer. This means you could be satisfying cravings for something sweet or crunchy every day -- and still lose weight.

      Think about it. Maybe you�re in a 3 p.m. slump and want a snack to get you through to dinner. Which will fill your belly better, a palmful of potato chips with 155 calories, or three cups of whole strawberries with 138 calories? A can of sweetened cola at 136 calories, or a heaping cup of grapes with about the same number? In each case, the produce lets you eat a lot more, fills you up fast, and keeps you full longer.

      The Real Fruits and Vegetables Bonus

      Along with helping in a weight loss diet, don�t forget the ultimate boon when you enjoy crisp veggies and succulent fruit: You�re getting disease-fighting nutrition with all that taste, too.

      Drink Plenty of Water for Health Benefit

      Get awareness about the drinking water, It is essential for human health, it helps our body in many ways and keep our body healthy 
      In a market saturated with specialty coffees, soft drinks, sports drinks and energy boosters, plain water often loses its luster. As crucial as water is, it seems the majority of the population is in a dehydrated rut.
      The need for water can hardly be overstated. As humans, we are composed of approximately 70 percent of the stuff and nearly every aspect of our body's function calls for the fluid. Water makes up much of the medium that helps our cells communicate with each other. While it's a fact we can only survive a few days at best without water, is eight glasses a day really necessary? The answer depends on many factors, including:
      What is the person's general health status? Patients with chronic pain need to seriously evaluate their water intake. Clinically, patients have noticed improvements in treatments they were already pursuing, such as chiropractic work, acupuncture or massage, just by being better hydrated.
      Is the person doing activities that increase water loss (sweating)? Is the person working out extensively, or do they have a job that frequently puts them outside in the heat?  
      Does the person drink a lot of coffee or soft drinks? Coffee can act as a diuretic, which means it may increase urination. �A lot� of coffee in this case would be defined as 3 or more 6-ounce cups a day. Regular or diet soft drinks pose many health issues. Those drinking multiple cans of pop a day may not be getting enough water.
      One of the biggest problems those who drink high volumes of coffee or soft drinks run into, is that those beverages eventually replace water as the daily form of hydration. Again, coffee is a diuretic. So excessive amounts of coffee can actually worsen the water balance in the body. If this situation goes on long enough, patients could encounter nagging pains that don�t respond to conventional therapy.
      The need for water is so great in the body that a physician wrote an entire book on how those with chronic neck and back pain need to consider the amount they are getting [1]. High coffee intake could also cause losses of minerals and calcium. Everyone should realize that hydration can not come from any other source but water. 
      There is very little data on exactly how much water a person should drink, however, the old suggestion of eight glasses a day may still be a realistic goal. Athletes in training should target 80-90 ounces or more, depending on how much they are sweating. If urine appears dark yellow, water intake needs to be increased. The color of urine should typically be a pale yellow. One study documented that even experienced long distance runners did not always gauge how dehydrated they were [2]. Folks receiving bodywork therapies like massage or chiropractic treatments should also be drinking higher amounts of water to best utilize those therapies. Coffee drinkers need to limit their daily intake to 1-2 cups while meeting their water goals for the day.
      What type of water is best? These days, there is bottled water, flavored water, vitamin water and of course, tap water. The best source for drinking and cooking, is water filtered through a reverse osmosis system. This is a very high grade filter that can be installed under your kitchen sink by a local water company. Any other form of regular water, tap or bottled, is still better than a soda. Vitamin and specialty waters can become a problem due to added sugars. Others promise extra vitamins when in fact they contain very few. In truth, water doesn't need to provide anything other than water. It's important enough.
      The boom of bottled water, while it popularized hydration, also triggered a huge influx of plastic bottles being dumped into our environment, which allows certain chemicals, like phthalates, to leech into the ground, water and our bodies. These pose various risks including cancer. Try to transport water in stainless steel or glass bottles. If you have plastic bottles, don't allow them to sit in the sun. Also, don't use plastic to carry or heat water, as this might increase chemical leeching. Grab a glass, grab a pitcher; just be sure to drink in the natural gifts of water.

      Hair care tips in Urdu. ????? ?? ?????

       you can protect your hair with these easy tips

      Wish your hair were longer and thicker? Who doesn�t! Long, thick hair looks beautiful any way you wear it. But for some of us, thin hair is a problem, or we�re used to short cuts and afraid to grow them out. Fear not. It�s easy to get longer, thicker hair. Just try these easy tips.

      Get a good, professional haircut
      , and don�t be afraid to go a bit shorter than you might like the first time. Ask your stylist to cut off dry, split ends and give you a style that will grow in thicker and beautiful. The goal is to get your hair in healthy condition to grow it longer and thicker.
      As your hair grows in, return for regular trims every 6 to 8 weeks to keep hair healthy, strong, and in the best condition to get longer and thicker. Ask your stylist to apply a salon-quality conditioner to keep hair smooth and strong.

      Wash your hair every few days � do not overwash. Washing hair too often pulls the strands, damages the scalp, and rids your hair of the natural oils that are essential for growing longer, thicker hair.